Hello Beautiful
The Hello Beautiful Foundation is a UK based Cancer prevention charity that resides within London's Bloomsbury.
Hello beautiful explores the issues that arise when we or our loved ones are faced with cancer and the importance that NonToxic Practice has in this reality.
Our exhibits, talks, classes and other awareness campaigns are designed to highlight the benefits of living a healthy NonToxic Lifestyle —an experience that starts with mindfulness and extends into nutrition and social responsibility.
Our mission is to create a world that is free from degenerative diseases such as Cancer through Personal Sustainability and NonToxic Practice (TM)
As a Female & Black Founded Charity with direct experience with Cancer we are passionate about ensuring that these communities do not get left behind. At the core of our philosophy on social responsibility is an ongoing commitment to collaboration and positive social change.
Wellness Space
Our spiritual home is situated at HELLO LOVE Bloomsbury, 62—64 Southampton Row—a constantly evolving living space that couples artistic collaboration with positive social change. We have an Art Gallery, Library of Health & Wellness Resources, Organic Vegan Restaurant, Giftshop and Holistic Dojo.
Through monthly Art exhibits and Events, the Hello Love curates a wide variety of health and happiness stories based on the shared interests of the participating artists and brands during that month.
The threefold purpose of the space is to:
Educate people on the benefits of living a healthy and otherwise
non-toxic lifestyle.
Create an engaged community that fosters dialogue and life as an experience.
Inspire artists and brands to work together to uplift the global community.
What we offer
The HELLO BEAUTIFUL FOUNDATION is always in need of donations, corporate sponsors and fundraising teams. With the support of the community we are able to offer people with cancer free access to the following complementary therapies and educational programs.
Organic Juicing
Lecture Series
Vegan Supper Club
Letter Writing
Breath Work
Gong Baths
Lucid Dreaming
Qi Gong
Sound Therapy
Tai Chi
Wingman Program
Networking Events
Thermography Scans
Self Help Books
Post Diagnosis Information
Prevention Information
Film Screenings
Gift packs for newly Diagnosed Patients
Louise Listening Double Mastectomy Bra & Bikini

The Hello Beautiful Foundation was Founded by Jane Hutchison in 2013 after her own diagnosis with Breast Cancer. You can read more of Jane's Story. At the age of 35, she noticed a lump in her left breast whilst in the shower. A week later she was diagnosed with Estrogen Positive Invasive Breast Cancer. She knew in the first week of her diagnosis she wanted to set up a Charity to help other young people learn about health, healing and make Cancer a more approachable talked about subject. Having a design studio— Hello Love Studio the first mission was to use Art and Art Therapy to create awareness campaigns about 'Beauty in Change' showing the raw and uncut side of Cancer... but with a beautiful twist. She began alternative therapies and self-healing exercises which allowed her to live in a NonToxic way she had never given much thought to in the past.
Kevin Helton was Jane's Wingman throughout her treatment. He was by her side at every step of her journey and also Co-Founded the design studio Hello Love Studio and Hello Love the awareness space in Bloomsbury, London where Hello Beautiful resides.
As Jane and Kevin became more deeply immersed in the journey, they realised there was a huge opportunity to give back to society in a meaningful and relevant way. At the very least they wanted to help close the emotional void that many with cancer can feel. They explored and researched the spiritual & meditative side of looking after your health and wanted to illustrate the power of having a positive outlook on life’s journey.
They started doing talks and workshops in Schools, Hospitals and Universities. This lead to pop up festivals and awareness campaigns. They hosted the first ever NonToxic Festival in 2014 and opened Hello Love in March 2017.
Their ideas, thoughts and knowledge about Cancer are constantly growing and evolving through the great people they meet on their journey. Their awareness space is a place where like minded people can come and learn, practice and relax. Hello Beautiful offers free holistic treatment through different gurus who have a wealth of knowledge in their fields. Whether that is Doctors, nutritionists, Qi Gong masters, Spiritualist Healers to hearing the stories of the women and men who have gone through the same struggle.
Hello Beautiful is a place to come and learn, explore and be educated. They collaborate with many different charities and organisations who are all making positive steps to change the face of Cancer and degenerative diseases forever.