Always consult your oncologist or healthcare practitioner when thinking about complementary therapies, vitamins and minerals. If your in active treatment your doctor may advice against any supplements.

Lifestyle tips to help you through your journey

To make Chemo more bearable

Try some of the below remedies to help relieve the shredding in the mouth and metallic taste that can sometimes occur with Chemotherapy


1. Fresh Pineapple
Cut up a fresh pineapple. It was noticed that indigenous people in South and Central American used pineapple for medicinal purposes as it contains bromelain which can help reduce inflammation, swelling and soothing wounds, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

2. Ice cubes
You can cut fresh pineapples into chucks and put them in the freezer. Then you can pop them straight into your mouth or add them to a drink to help soothe

3. Ice lollies
You can put organic mangoes or pineapple into a blender pour into a ice lolly silicone mould then freeze and enjoy a refined sugar free treat


The following may help with sickness during treatment

1. Fresh ginger tea / lemon tea
Preclinical and clinical studies have shown ginger can help with ease some symptons of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Make sure you use organic fresh ginger and lemon and not tea bags.

2. Anti-sickness bracelets
Wearing anti-sickness bracelets help apply gentle pressure to the 'Nei-Kuan' acupressure points to help counteract feelings of nausea

3. Breathwork
Deep breathes help CO2 circulate the body and can help reduce the amount of stress felt and sensations of nausea. Read the study in Breast Cancer Patients


Top Tip


There is growing research into the anticancer properties of essential oils especially the antioxidant and detoxifying capabilities acting on various pathways in the cancer cell as well as cancer preventative capabilities of certain essential oils.


Help the body recover *

Some tips to help bolster the immune system

Turmeric’s medicinal properties have been subject of over 13,000 peer-reviewed and published biomedical studies revealing over 800 potential preventive and therapeutic benefits. Warming up turmeric in a hot drink or food helps better absorption of curcumin in the body, as well as mixing turmeric and black pepper. Research indicates turmeric may lower inflammation and help improve systemic markers of oxidative stress.

Mushrooms —
There is growing research in the benefits of mushrooms such as lions mane, reishi, turkey tail and shiitake but not many people are aware of the scientist study into white button mushrooms as a potential breast cancer chemopreventive agent as they suppress aromatase activity and estrogen biosynthesis

Sprouting seeds, Leafy greens (watercress), Broccoli—
High in chlorophyll and antioxidants like vitamin c, zinc and selenium are known for their cancer prevention benefits. Scientists have investigated the role of plant sprouts in cancer management. A study by Gawlik-Dziki shows the effect of phenolic compounds (found in sprouts) have on anticancer activity of broccoli sprouts. Revealing a significant inhibitory activity of sprouts on the progression of prostate cancer. Watercress is rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene which are known for their high antioxidants. Sulforaphane found in broccoli and other leafy greens shows its role in cancer prevention

Gut health—
All diseases begin in the gut,says Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, M.D pointing out the extensive role that gut flora plays in disease prevention, including protecting us from invading pathogens, detoxification, facilitating the digestion of food as well as the absorption of vitamins and minerals like calcium and zinc, and actually producing B vitamins. ‘Between 84-88% of the immune system is housed in the gut lining’, she says, which would equal the size of a tennis court if opened up and laid flat. Natasha a medical doctor with postgraduate degrees in both neurology and human nutrition says, ‘in today's society, many people are walking around with impaired gut flora due to steroids, prescription medications, alcohol, stress, a poor diet of processed foods and sugar (which actually feed abnormal gut flora), disease, age, bottle feeding of infants, toxic chemicals, pollution and radiation’.

Ways to improve your gut health include eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables (preferably organic) introducing fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut and pickled ginger. Getting more sleep, moving more, managing your stress levels with holistic practices such as Breathwork and Meditation.

Plant Based food—
Whole and the China studies are must read books to help us understand the importance of a whole organic plant based diet.

In the early 1980’s, nutritional biochemist T. Colin Campbell, PhD of Cornell University, in partnership with researchers at Oxford University and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, embarked upon one of the most comprehensive 20 year nutritional studies ever undertaken known as the China Project. China at that time presented researchers with a unique opportunity. The Chinese population tended to live in the same area all their lives and to consume the same diets unique to each region. Their diets (low in fat and high in dietary fiber and plant material) also were in stark contrast to the rich diets of the Western countries. The truly plant-based nature of the rural Chinese diet gave researchers a chance to compare plant-based diets with animal-based diets. The China Study examines the possible link between the consumption of animal products (including dairy) and chronic illnesses such as breast cancer and heart disease

Every apple contains thousands of antioxidants whose names, beyond a few like vitamin C, are unfamiliar to us, and each of these powerful chemicals has the potential to play an important role in supporting our health. They impact thousands upon thousands of metabolic reactions inside the human body. But calculating the specific influence of each of these chemicals isn’t nearly sufficient to explain the effect of the apple as a whole. Because almost every chemical can affect every other chemical, there is an almost infinite number of possible biological consequences.
And that’s just from an apple. Read about Apple phytochemicals and their health benefits

Complementary Therapies *

A traditional Chinese practice that uses the insertion fine needles through strategic points on your body. Using your Qi energy by inserting needles into specific points along the meridian pathways in your body practiioners believe that your energy flow will help to re-balance. Acupuncture is used to relieve discomfort associated with a variety of conditions including, Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, headaches, back and neck pain, cramps

Originating in Japan, Shiatsu uses a combination of pressing, tapping, stretching and kneading techniques aiming to reduce tension by working with the qi energy flow.

Pressure is applied to specific points of the body which can include the hands, face and feet. The reflex points correspond to different body organs and systems, and pressing them creates some benefits for the person's health. A study showed that reflexology decreased fatigue severity in patients with breast cancer.

Ayurvedic Medicine—
There is growing research of the benefits of Ayurvedic especially in women with Breast Cancer. Ayurvedic medicine remains one of India’s traditional health care systems. The principles are centered around imbalances in the doshas (vata, pitta or Kapha) that can lead to diseases. According to Ayurveda, five elements make up the universe — vayu (air), jala (water), akash (space), teja (fire), and prithvi (earth).

These elements are believed to form the three different doshas (energy) that circulate within your body. Each dosha is responsible for specific physiological functions.

Colour Therapy—
Also known as chromotherapy uses colours to help promote balance and well-being within the body. Therapy includes being exposed to coloured lights, visulization techniques and meditations. A study found that blue light can reduce the pain experienced by cancer patients undergoing bone marrow biopsies. Another study found that red light can stimulate the production of collagen, which can aid in wound healing for cancer patients undergoing surgery.

Mistletoe Therapy—
Mistletoe extracts are usually given by an injection by your health care practitioner and offered in many integrative care clinics. It’s thought that the lectins concentrated in mistletoe may improve immune defences and decrease negative effects of cancer treatments

Hyberbaric oxygen—
Is a painless, non-invasive way of enhancing oxygen in the body. Our bodies need oxygen for survival. A lack of oxygen can decrease blood flow and damage tissue. Supplying oxygen to our cells can provide energy and vitality. Cancer patients can get 50% off if at The Wellness Lab in London if they are registered for our services. A study on ovarian tumor in mice, administered daily for 21 days, significantly reduced tumor growth. A 2012 review by researchers in Norway showed that hyperbaric oxygen slowed the growth of some cancers but not others.

Salt Water Floating—
In a flotation tank, theta brain waves occur whilst the user is fully conscious. For many users, this allows for great creativity and problem-solving. There is also scientific evidence of physical benefits including reduced blood pressure, cortisol (the stress hormone) and improvements to blood flow. It can help with chronic pain, athletic recovery, super-learning, better sleep, and leave us feeling more happy and relaxed.

Saunas and Infrared sauna—
Popular for their detoxifying and relaxing benefits saunas can also help improve blood circulation. Infrared saunas are often more manageable during treatment as they are heated by invisiable wavelenghts of infrared light so you don’t experience the high temperatues and humidity of traditional saunas. Healthcare professionals may recommend a specific sauna therapy program tailored to patient’s individual needs. Programs may include guidelines for temperature, duration, and frequency of sauna sessions, as well as precautions and possible contraindications.

Sessions normally last for 3 minutes with temperatures being 10-12 degrees celsius. Helps with pain management, enhances the immune system by activating white blood cells and may help to give inflammation relief.

This practice takes place on a small trampoline called a rebounder. Just two minutes of gentle bouncing can help flush out some toxins in you immune system as it stimulates the flow of your lymphatic system. The excercise is a low-impact physical activity that can strengthen muscles, improve lymphatic circulation, increase oxygen intake, it can also help reduce stress, anxiety and enhance well-being. Dr Leigh Erin Connealy at the cancer center for Healing in California provide rebounding therapy as part of their integrative cancer care. A study by NASA showed that rebounding increases oxygen uptake and cellular oxygenation increasing energy and immune defences.

A reiki practioner helps with Qi (energy) in the body and helps to promote relaxation and remove stress and anxiety. Reiki orginated in Japan in the early 20th century. It’s based on the idea of our ‘life force energy’ that flows through our body. Gently moving hands just above the body. For people with Cancer it has been found to improve anxiety, pain management, improved sleep and emotional well-being.

Craniosacral therapy—Gentle light touch helps support the body’s innage ability to balance, restore as well as reduce stress and build underlying energy. The body is a coherent living matrix (Oschman – Energy Medicine - the scientific explanation 2000) guided by biodynamic forces. The natural world is guided by forces and rhythms which surround us and permeate us. The rhythmic motion which we feel in the body is a reflection of a natural force

* Always consult your oncologist or healthcare practitioner when thinking about complementary therapies, vitamins and minerals There is no scientific evidence that complementary therapies can cure of prevent any disease including cancer.


Vitamins *

Always consult a healthcare practitioner when thinking about supplements to support your treatment as everyones treatment is unique to them


Helps reduce tiredness and fatigue, supports red blood cell formation

Helps with healthy cellular function. IP(6) is found adundantly in many plants and high fiber diets. Although IP(6) vitamins can be used as a dietary supplement. For a long time IP(6) has been recognised as a natural antioxidant. Recently it has receieved a lot of attention for its role in cancer prevention and control of experimental tumour growth. IP(6) + inositol holds promise in scientific studies in cancer prevention strategies

Vitamin C—
There is growning research in the importance of high levels of Vitamin C for Cancer patients. Often taken as infusions or good quality vitamin C suppliments with no fillers. Many cancer patients are found to lack Vit-C you can read an in-depth study which also takes about Otto Warburg and the Warburg effect

Vitamin D—
A study from Harvard looks at how Vitamin D may inhibit the development and progression of a wide spectrum of cancers. Vitamin D can help reduce inflammation and help control processes such as cell growth, nerve, muscle and immune function. Another study showed women with a history of history of vitamin D supplementation had significant protective effect against breast cancer

For several decades, research suggests that some breast diseases may be considered iodine deficiency diseases. Iodine also plays a role in Breast Cancer prevention. Eating seaweed also contains natural iodine.

Low selenium levels have been associated with a high incidence of several different cancer types. The study found that low selenium might contribute to worse survival for women with breast cancer. Cambridge university have looked into Selenium in cancer prevention. Selenium is an important mineral as it helps support the function of several systems. Including the endocrine, immune and cardiovascular systems.

* Always consult your oncologist or healthcare practitioner when thinking about complementary therapies, vitamins and minerals. There is no scientific evidence that complementary therapies can cure of prevent any disease including cancer.